Upcoming Events
News & Announcements
Sunday, January 26- Celebrating Your Parish Admissions Open House & Scholastic Book Fair 11:00am- 1:00pm Faculty Mass at 10am at St Theresa Parish. (Students are encouraged to wear uniforms) PTO Welcome to CSW Free Family Bowling- Trindle Bowl 3-5pm
Monday, January 27- Celebrating Your Community Students may submit an act of kindness/service to the Development Office for a FREE DOUD Coupon (signed by a parent) Opening Prayer Service for students at 2pm in the gym.
Tuesday, January 28- Celebrating Your Students CSW Family School Mass at 8:45am at the church Middle School Talent Show & THS Visit- 1:30- 3:00 pm Kindergarten & 1st Grade Open House 10:00-11:50am. Parents are invited to bring their own lunch from 10:55am-11:25pm
Wednesday, January 29- Celebrating the Nation PRINCIPALS OF THE DAY- GRACE FAMILY Spelling Bee 4th- 6th Grade at 9:15am at STS Cafeteria 2nd & 3rd Grade Catholic Stations at 10:30- 11:20am. Parents are invited to bring their own lunch from 11:25- 11:55am.
Thursday, January 30- Celebrating Vocations 5th Grade Religion Bowl 10:45- 11:45am. 4th Grade PA Bowl 10:45- 11:45am. Parents are invited to bring their own lunch 11:55am- 12:25pm. “Rooted in the Love of STS” Family Open House 6:00- 7:30pm at STS
Friday, January 31- Celebrating Teachers & Volunteers FREE DOUD in the colors of the volleyball team they are cheering for! Red- LaCour/Roos. Orange- Sutch. Yellow- Molsky/Sabatose. Green Sexton/Spaulding. Blue- DeBastiani/PK. Purple- Morrissey. Black Walseman/Blaschak. Pink- Levens. Middle School Geography Bee 8:30am. Parents invited. MS Parents are invited to bring their own lunch 12:31- 12:56pm & Middle School Volleyball Tournament at 1pm. Duct Tape the Principal to the wall for $5 donation to the Annual Fund.
Mission & Philosophy
Saint Theresa School empowers students to deepen their relationship with Jesus Christ and to strive for excellence in education in order to become 21st Century leaders!
We believe...
- that God has endowed each student with individual abilities and that Saint Theresa School must provide a quality education to enable each child to develop their unique abilities.
- that God has made the parents the primary educators, therefore the faculty must endeavor to support and strengthen this relationship. That the unique role of Catholic education, as its exists within Saint Theresa School, is the model of people made in God's image and likeliness.
- that our school must stand before the community as a sign of God's love in the world today.
- that because we are all called to be children of God, there must be a relationship of trust among the faculty, students, parents and administration. That the parents, faculty and administration must assume the responsibility of helping the students to find their place in the in the kingdom of God and understanding and practicing their faith to the highest degree.
- that we must endeavor to establish a school where students of diverse temperaments and cultural backgrounds learn to understand and respect each other as individuals.