Inspiration Station (Extended PK & Afterschool Programs)
Extended Preschool Care and Afterschool Care K-5th Graders
Our mission at Inspiration Station is to inspire hearts to dream big, by embracing smiles, sparking curiosity, and blossoming together. Play and Learn Station is our extended day preschool program that supplements the school’s part time preschool program. Afternoon Fun Station is our K- 5th Grade after school program. Afterschool runs from 3:15pm- 5:30pm every day that school is open and in session.
Inspiration Station Early Learning Center has been my dream and passion for 10 years. However, my dreams began on a very different path. I started my teaching career as a 3rd grade teacher and Reading Specialist in Baltimore. Becoming a parent created feelings for me that I never knew were possible and changed my life course. We moved to Camp Hill, and I started an in-home day care to raise my children and support my family. After five years of teaching and inspiring my children and their close friends, I decided to expand my little school into an Inspiration Station Early Learning Center. Currently, we have 30 teachers and 120 children aged infants through pre-kindergarten. Saint Theresa School and Parish have been an important part of my family’s lives being members since 2008. My son started at Saint Theresa School in sixth grade and graduation from Trinity High School in 2022. My daughter started at STS in third grade and is currently enrolled in CASA, an art charter school downtown.
If you have any questions, please contact me at
Jennifer Peck, Owner
Beth Lapore, STS Director EMAIL