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MS Religion


Mrs. Kathy Elmore


Mrs. Elmore began teaching Middle School Religion at Saint Theresa School in 2019/2020.  She has taught Middle School Religious Education for over 20 years as a volunteer catechist and is very excited for the opportunity to help students grow in their faith in a formal school setting. She is a former military spouse and have lived in many different places, including two different stays in Germany.   She has seven children who were all born in different places,  seven grandchildren, three dogs, and one cat. In her free time, she likes to read, garden, explore, spend time with family and play with her family pets. 

Mrs. Elmore's Website

Mrs. Elmore's Google Calendar Link

Curriculum: Each year students will expand upon the curriculum learned the years before. Areas of focus are Scripture, Creed, Holy Mass and the Sacraments, Christian Morality, Prayer, Community and Service.

Parents and the school share the responsibility of educating our children. The religious training of our
students, which begins at home, is continued throughout the school year through daily prayer and
various other prayer services and liturgical opportunities afforded to the students throughout the year.
Liturgy: Mass for the entire student body is held weekly and on Holy Days of Obligation. During Lent,
students will attend the Stations of the Cross. Individual teachers may take their class to morning liturgy
at any time after notifying the church office of their intent. Students have the opportunity to plan a liturgy
with their class at least once during the year.

Reconciliation: Opportunities to celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation are available to the entire
student body throughout the year.

Marian Devotions: The teachers and students conduct a May Crowning and Living Rosary in May of
each year.

Daily Prayer: Morning and afternoon prayer is said daily during school announcements. Classes begin
with prayer. Grace before and after meals is said in each classroom every day before classes go to the
cafeteria and upon returning to the class from the cafeteria.

Adoration Chapel: Individual teachers take their classes to the Adoration Chapel throughout the year.