What are the hours of the school day? School starts at 8:15am and ends at 3:00pm for K-8th grade.
Can you attend St Theresa School if you are not Catholic? Yes, we admit students based on academic, behavioral and educational needs. We do not discriminate against race, sex, disability or religious affiliation.
What are the dismissal modes of transportation? 1)We are on the West Shore School District bus routes. Most school districts offer out of district/non-public busing within certain miles from your home to the school. 2) Car riders are picked up by parents/guardians/authorized individuals at 3:05pm. 3) Walkers that live within a certain distance from our school. 4) After school program, such as Inspiration Station Afternoon Fun Station for registered students in K-5th grade. Email Mrs. Dunn with transportation questions.
What is our curriculum? English Language Arts, Math, Religion, Social Studies, Science, Physical Education, Art, Music, Library, Computers/Technology and STEM.