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Tuition/Cost to Educate is $8,640 per student for the 2025/26 school year.

Thanks to our generous parish subsidy, we are able to offer reduced tuition to active Catholic families. Active Catholic families are those who are registered within a Diocese of Harrisburg Parish, who attend mass each week, on Holy Days of Obligation, and who are stewards of their time, talent and treasure within their parish communities. It will be necessary for all Catholic families to upload a copy of their child's baptismal certificate and a letter of good standing from their parish.

Families registering at St. Theresa School are expected to complete the financial assessment through Simple Tuition Solutions. The only exception are families participating in our EITC program. Please note, financial aid is applied to those that qualify after the enrollment process is complete. Any aid granted through the Neumann Scholarship Foundation or through St Theresa School's tuition assistance will be applied by our finance department and new contracts will be generated and sent. The first tuition payment for the 25/26 school year will be due on June 20, 2025. Ten month payment plans are offered through Simple Tuition Solutions. 

We recognize that tuition for any private institution represents a sacrifice to you and your family. We will make every effort to work together and provide opportunities for financial assistance so that no student is turned away. Thank you for entrusting us to build the faith and academic excellence in your children.

Tuition 2025/2026

Tuition 2024/2025