How To Volunteer
Do I need a volunteer badge to go into the school?
Volunteer Versus Visitor...who needs a badge?
VOLUNTEERS: Simply put, a parent or guardian needs a Diocesan Volunteer Badge for situations where they are overseeing children and are not fully monitored by school staff.
Some examples are:
- working in the classroom (a parent is never left alone in this situation, but the teacher may be engaged with other students while the volunteer is working with a group) such as a room parent
Recess duty, library aide, cafeteria monitor
Making copies or creating bulletin boards
- PTO responsibilities like serving ice cream, uniform sale, etc.
In all cases, you must sign in through the office
VISITORS: You are welcome to visit STS but we do ask that you sign-in at the office where you may receive as special visitor badge. As a visitor you can come eat lunch with your child, come to an assembly or a whole class function, or come to liturgy.
If you can, take the time and get your clearances done. It's free for all volunteers!