School Breakfast
We are please to be able to offer FREE breakfast to all Saint Theresa School students who would like to participate. Breakfast will be served in our cafeteria from 7:45- 8:10am. All car riders and walkers must arrive in the cafeteria by 8:10am in order to be given breakfast. Any student arriving late on a bus after 8:10am will be given a "grab and go" breakfast to be eaten in their homeroom. Please note, students will receive the breakfast on the menu each day for free but if they choose to just get the milk, their lunch account will be charged for the milk only.
The school breakfast program is a federally assisted meal program that operates in public and nonprofit/private schools and residential child care institutions. At the state level, it is usually administered by state education agencies, which operate through agreement with local school food authorities in more than 78,000 schools and institutions.
School breakfasts must meet the applicable recommendations of the Dietary Guidelines for Americans and are designed to ensure that students enter the classroom well-nourished and ready to learn. The meal pattern for breakfast includes fruit (or vegetables), whole graine rich foods and/or meat/meat alternative and milk. Breakfasts are also limited in sodium, calories, saturated fats and trans fats. Local school food authorities (The Nutrition Group) make decisions about what foods to serve and how its prepared.